module Spark::Shard

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def add_shard(name : String, *, development_only : Bool = false, **options) #

Adds a shard to the project's shard.yml.

Example with a GitHub production dependency:

Spark::Shard.add_shard("spark", github: "stephendolan/spark", branch: "main")

Example with a GitHub development dependency:

Spark::Shard.add_shard("spark", github: "stephendolan/spark", version: "~> 1.0", development_only: true)

Example with a git dependency:

Spark::Shard.add_shard("spark", git: "", version: "~> 1.0", development_only: true)

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def shard_file_path #

Which path to search to find the Crystal shard definition.

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def shard_file_path=(shard_file_path) #

Control which path to search to find the Crystal shard definition.

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